Our Recruitment Process

At Ascent Global, we have devised a rigorous recruitment process which is followed in detail to find the best candidates for open positions at your company. The recruitment process takes into account the aptitude of the candidate, experience in the role and domain, past credentials and also evaluates him/her in terms of being a cultural fit at your company.

We oversee and take ownership of each step in the recruitment process. Since the skill needed at each step varies – we have built a team of experts to execute each step to have maximum impact and value.

OUR Recruitment PROCESS


Understanding company objective, culture, vacancy, expected results, from new hire etc.
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Step 01


Utilize Ascent Global Recruitment’s extensive database, advertise to active job seekers, headhunt passive candidates, etc.
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Step 02


Two levels of screening done by Ascent Global Recruitment before sharing shortlisted profiles with you.
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Step 03


Co-ordinate and schedule interviews.
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Step 04


Seek your view on preferred as well as rejected profiles.
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Step 05


Undertake final salary & benefits discussion to arrive at win-win situation between you and the candidate.
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Step 06


Ensure resignation copy, passport, signed offer letter, degrees, etc. are submitted to you on time.
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Step 07


Maintain constant contact with the selected candidate to ensure no last-minute drop-outs.
Step 08
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